When the company is considering to obtain new premises, there is plenty of choice. The best alternative is often a sum of many different factors from location to sustainability. Sales Manager Suvi Lähdekorpi explains what it is about new buildings that makes them such an attractive option.
”The classical criteria for choosing business premises are ’location, location, location’, which is important indeed from the accessibility viewpoint. These days, at the present moment in particular, you could as well add a fourth ’location’ to the list,” Suvi smiles.
Of course, there are other matters to consider when choosing business spaces. They must build the company’s success story and employer image. Office spaces must also be flexible, cosy and accommodating for everyday needs. The office must have good indoor air and modern building service solutions.
The costs will also show on the conventional Excel spreadsheets, but there is so much more to think about.
Best office now and in the future
”When making the decision, the spreadsheet calculations have accounted for the environmental aspects, sustainable development and carbon neutrality for a long time already. The changes in the ways of working have set new requirements for the spaces, and this trend has only increased during the pandemic,” Suvi says.
”Office spaces are expected to bring people together and support encounters even better than before. They should lend themselves to many different modes of working and offer– among other things – peace when it is not to be found at home or other places where people work. Office spaces should be chosen to suit both present and future demands equally well.”
The attraction of new buildings lies in creating entirely new city space. Not only does NCC build new houses; it also develops new, thriving urban environments open to all city dwellers.
Sustainability from the start
NCC has a long experience of sustainable development which is embraced from the early project development phase. Today, all NCC office projects are certified according to the BREEAM environmental rating. Modern technology enables building high-quality, durable spaces.
”We are constantly aiming at BREEAM Excellent, which is also the level targeted for the Fredriksberg property in Vallila, Helsinki, and OOPS in Leppävaara, Espoo area. We Land reaches even higher – it represents the highest achievable level Outstanding ,” Suvi states.
”Sustainable solutions and choices made early on in the design phase can be seen and felt concretely at the workstations which have sufficient natural light, energy-efficient lighting and a high-quality adjustable indoor climate.”
Looking ahead
Efficient space use and flexible solutions are considered among the sustainability criteria which are carefully weighed in new building projects. Along with putting the company’s spaces to efficient use NCC allows for flexibility by offering space-sharing resources. A new building project is suitable for a single-user headquarters or a multi-tenant office.
”Fredriksberg is a good example of this. We offer our tenants the possibility to use the Spacent space-sharing platform to maximise the occupancy rates of the spaces. We also test and pilot user-friendly digital solutions such as Whim, a mobility application by MaaS Global. Thereby we respond to the client needs looking one step ahead in the future,” Suvi thinks.
In a new building project the spaces are designed to fully meet the user demands. Even your most exacting wishes will be fulfilled when we can develop the concept together. Office spaces at their best reflect the user’s own corporate culture, values and brand which makes them a powerful recruitment trump card.
No more euros per square metre, but euros per person
The euros count, but spaces in a new building do not necessarily mean higher costs. The divisibility, functionality, absence of idle space, and technical solutions allow increasing the efficiency of the spaces while, at the same time, adding to their cosiness and smooth everyday use.
”Instead of the conventional thinking in euros per square metre, the assessments are now increasingly based on the amount of euros per person,” Suvi says.
A new building project is an eligible alternative in all situations, no matter the time. It is never too early or too late. You can open discussions about the new spaces even if the location was not clear yet.
”We have a long prospect for new building projects, but also a wide choice of spaces for clients looking for a quick solution,” Suvi concludes.
Why choose a new building? Top 5 + 1
- The spaces can be planned together right from the start
- The company gets spaces to reflect the corporate culture, values and brand
- Sustainable solutions
- Efficient, flexible and divisible space solutions
- State-of-the-art technology and digital user services
- Many alternatives also for urgent space demands!
Read more about our office projects on: ncc.fi/huomisentoimitilat